A Message from J.J.,

We have not had a newsletter since March 2015. We were so busy that it seemed there was never enough time to sit down and articulate all of our successes.
There will not be enough room in this newsletter to detail some of the successes, but I can hopefully talk about the majority of them.
expended by both George, Wendell and their staff in Andrea’s defense.
I can certainly attest that both George and Wendell poured their hearts and souls into this case.
The case was certainly an uphill battle, which left all of the defense team with newfound knowledge about mental illness, hospitals that provide mental care and psychiatric services.
Andrea Yates’ journey from school valedictorian, college graduate, clinical nurse, home schooling mother to a lifetime sentence in TDC was one that I know the staff at Gradoni & Associates will never forget. Your continued support and business is greatly appreciated. J.J. Gradoni
Yvonne Parks, a graduate of the University of Houston with a degree in Political Science has recently joined our staff. Yvonne will be handling case work in the Fort Bend County area.
Yvonne hails from Fort Bend County and has worked with a number of Fort Bend County attorneys working in criminal and civil practices. Yvonne is working on her Masters Degree in Criminal Justice.
Terrance Levi, a graduate of SW Louisiana College with a Criminal Justice degree has recently joined our staff working in the surveillance unit. Terrance has over 17 years of experience in mobile video surveillance undercover corporate investigations. Terrance is an expert in the covert work of identifying theft rings, fraud and drugs in the work place.
Both are welcomed additions to our staff.

Clay Buckner is our profiled Investigator in this issue. Clay is recognized as a valuable team member of Gradoni & Associates because of his versatile abilities.
Clay is the mainstay of our surveillance team, but also has a great deal of experience in interviewing witnesses and conducting background investigations.
Clay grew up in the Houston area, attending Cy-Creek High School. Clay joined our firm in January 1992 after his Honorable Discharge from the United States Marine Corp, serving in Desert Storm.
Clay has been responsible for many surveillance successes, which has included filming suspected fraud, workman’s compensation claimants from heavy brush in full camouflage attire, filming people who claim they are unable to drive while following behind them at high rates of speed and utilizing our undercover camera to catch individuals claiming disability at work.
Clay returned to college on a part time basis in order to complete his degree program. Clay is currently a senior at the University of Houston, majoring in computer science and mathematics. Clay’s work ethic and attitude embodies our core function to provide the best possible work product for all of our clients.
We are proud to have Clay as a member of our team.
Everyone on the staff at Gradoni & Associates would like to say goodbye and good luck to Elizabeth Congos, our lead word processor who has been with our firm since August of 1992. We will miss Elizabeth, who is moving to Dallas to further her education.
Elizabeth is a typing wizard, who can type over 110 words per minute. We will probably have to hire two replacements in order to not lose the pace Elizabeth provides on our work product.
For all of our friends in the Criminal Defense arena, we will again be attending the upcoming Rusty Duncan Seminar in San Antonio on June 6th and 7th as an exhibitor. We look forward to seeing many of you. Please stop and say hello.
Covered in the Newsletter
Don’t Leave Home Without It
The Case of the Sidewalk Absconder
The Teacher-Student Assault Investigation
The “Mentally Unstable” Investigation
The Case of the Innocent Bystander Killing
The U of H Burglary Investigation
The Apartment Complex Robbery Investigation
A Case of Capital Mistrial
The Case of the Police Officer Abuser
The Case of the Borrowed, But Stolen Auto
The Case of the Abusive HPD Boyfriend
A Drug Testing Incident
The Case of the Oppressed HPD Officer
13810 Champions Forest Dr #210
Houston, TX 77069
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