Do You Have a Sibling?
Our firm was hired by a female who was aware that her father had been in a long time extra marital affair. She believed that, as a result of this affair, he had fathered at least one child.
Investigators conducted database searches which identified the other half of the extra marital affair, allowing us to determine that she in fact had a female child that would enhance the speculation that the child might have been a sibling.
Further research revealed that the individual believed to be the child had the same last name as the female in the relationship. It was also determined that the female was living in a house owned by our client’s father and had never been married or divorced.
Our Investigators were not present when our client confronted her father with the evidence we had developed but we learned the meeting was pretty emotional.
Missing Someone?
Call on Gradoni & Associates Today!
We’ve provided investigation services to families and individuals since 1989. We’re committed to being effective detectives for the benefit our clients. If you have any questions, contact us any time!
Gradoni & Associates • 13810 Champions Forest Dr #210 • Houston, TX 77069 • 281-440-0800
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