Jelous Woman Stalking A Couple

The Real Estate Stalker Investigation

Our firm was hired by a Real Estate Agent who was being stalked by a female who was the former girlfriend of the real estate agent’s current boyfriend. Our client’s efforts to get police involved were not successful.

Gradoni & Associates Gets Involved

Investigators presented the stalker with a cease and desist letter telling her that any future contact with our client would be considered harassment and taken to the appropriate authorities. The stalker told us when we presented her the cease and desist letter and explained the consequences involved “I’m done with her. I’m only trying to protect her.”

The barrage of emails and texts continued, but the real estate agent was able to utilize the cease and desist letter to obtain criminal charges against the guilty female.

Result of Investigation: The victim was able to seek legal recourse.

Return to Private Eyes of Texas Newsletter; August 2017

The Real Estate Stalker Investigation

Gradoni & Associates

Gradoni & Associates • 13810 Champions Forest Dr #210 • Houston, TX 77069 • 281-440-0800