Promiscuity Defense Spurs Rape Allegations
Attorney Gregory Glass represented an 18 year old who was charged with raping a 16 year old minor female. After the female’s mother found out about the encounter, the female changed her version of events protect her promiscuity. The sexual assault allegedly took place in a bedroom occupied by the victim, the Defendant, and another couple.
Gradoni & Associates Investigates
Houston Private Investigator Edna Velez interviewed the male and female who were in the room at the time of the sexual encounter, who both verified that the victim had not been sexually assaulted, but had engaged in consensual sex with the Defendant.
The witness testimony made the Defendant eligible for probation with no jail time, since it was still illegal for an adult to have consensual sex with a minor.
RESULT BASED ON INVESTIGATION: Probation, No Jail for Sexual Assault
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Promiscuity Defense Spurs Rape Allegations
Gradoni & Associates • 13810 Champions Forest Dr #210 • Houston, TX 77069 • 281-440-0800

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