The Identification by Sneaker Investigation
Attorney Paul St. John represented an individual charged with the aggravated robbery of a cell phone store in Houston, TX. The 3 individuals that robbed the cell phone store had been chased by responding police units. When the vehicle crashed, one of the occupants was arrested at the scene. Our Defendant, who was walking in the area, claimed he had just been dropped off by his wife, but was also arrested and taken back to the cell phone store.
The witnesses at the cell phone store identified our Defendant by his sneakers, since all three robbers wore masks. The Defendant’s wife provided an affidavit that she had, in fact, dropped the Defendant off in that area after an argument. The suspect who was arrested eventually pleaded guilty.
Gradoni & Associates Investigates
When interviewed by Investigator Edna Velez, the suspect stated that our Defendant was not one of the two individuals who had robbed the cell phone store with him. This information forced the District Attorney to take DNA samples of the items found in the suspect vehicle. Since there was no physical evidence linking our Defendant to the vehicle the charges were dismissed.
RESULT BASED ON INVESTIGATION: Dismissal of Aggravated Robbery Charges
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The Identification by Sneaker Investigation
Gradoni & Associates • 13810 Champions Forest Dr #210 • Houston, TX 77069 • 281-440-0800

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