Burglary & Retaliation Charges Dismissed
Houston, TX Attorney Douglas “Brad” Loper represented a female, who was on probation for Burglarizing her boyfriend’s mother’s house.
The mother claimed that the defendant had called her on the phone after she received probation and had threatened to kill her. As a result, new charges were filed and the original Burglary case probation was revoked.
Gradoni & Associates Investigate
Cindy Klein interviewed a witness who claimed she was actually the individual who had called the elderly complainant and no threats were made. This witness was a Guard at TDC and very credible.
Cindy Klein also interviewed the 80 year old complainant who informed Klein that when the phone rang and she heard the voice on the other end she hung up, indicating that she never even heard the conversation.
When this information was presented to the Prosecutor, both cases were dismissed and the defendant was freed from custody. This was the first case we worked on with Brad since he left the D.A.’s office, giving us a great batting average so far.
RESULT BASED ON INVESTIGATION: Burglary and Retaliatory Death Threat Cases Dismissed
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Burglary & Retaliation Charges Dismissed
Gradoni & Associates • 13810 Champions Forest Dr #210 • Houston, TX 77069 • 281-440-0800

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