Investigation Valued in Federal Cocaine Case
Attorney Daphne Pattison represented an individual charged as a Co-Defendant with a number of other individuals with a Conspiracy to Distribute Cocaine in Federal Court.
Our assignment was to review the wire tapped conversations in order to determine if the State’s allegation about the Defendant’s participation in the conspiracy was accurate.
Gradoni Detectives Investigate Federal Allegations
Private Investigator Angela Willis and Investigator Carey Wellmaker diligently reviewed the transcripts and some of the actual tapes finding very little substance to the Government’s claim.
During the course of their analysis, they determined that the transcript of one of the key conversations was not accurate after they listened to the actual tape. Daphne was able to utilize our work product to obtain a much lower sentence than what the Government was initially willing to offer.
Daphne wrote in an email to Carey, “I cannot commend you for the quality of your investigative team. The letters and the Commendations on the wall at your office are well deserved.
RESULT BASED ON INVESTIGATION: Criminal Penalties Reduced in Federal Drug Trafficking Case
Return to the October 2010 Investigator’s Newsletter
Investigation Valued in Federal Cocaine Case
Gradoni & Associates • 13810 Champions Forest Dr #210 • Houston, TX 77069 • 281-440-0800

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