“Challenged” College Student Falsely Accused of Rape
Attorney Scott Ballard and Attorney Travis Fleetwood represented a mentally challenged college student who was charged with the sexual assault of his dormitory resident advisor, a female.
Team Gradoni Investigates
We were able to document that the Defendant’s mental condition, challenging the Police interview of the Defendant, without his parents present. We also found an individual who was willing to testify that the sexual relationship between the student and the dorm director was consensual.
The case was No Billed by the Grand Jury.
RESULT BASED ON INVESTIGATION: Charges of Sexual Assault Dismissed
Return to the June 2010 Investigator’s Newsletter
“Challenged” College Student Falsely Accused of Rape
Gradoni & Associates • 13810 Champions Forest Dr #210 • Houston, TX 77069 • 281-440-0800

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